On the Way to the Light
Those who are trying to understand our world and its origins will find the answers in this book. Of all the events, facts, situations, and individuals that down through time have marked our progress, the author highlights the most relevant and presents them in this notable work of historical synthesis. He analyzes the missions of spirits such as Krishna, Buddha, Abraham, Moses, Fo-Hi, Confucius, Lao-Tse, Solomon, Socrates, Plato, Mohammed, the Hebrew Prophets, the Apostles, Paul of Tarsus, St. Francis of Assisi, Luther, and Allan Kardec.
The book narrates the history of civilization from the perspective of Spiritism, showing the true position of the Gospel of Christ in the light of Earth’s religions and philosophies. It addresses the first inhabitants of the earth, touching on the historical pages of peoples, great empires, and the changes that have followed one another in the direction of the future. Emmanuel shows us that through divine determinism, we are all on our way to the light!